::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Statistical Yearbook Of Penghu County 2021
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III、Political Organization
        V、Industry / Commerce & City/Village Reconstruction
        VI、Banking & Finance
        VII、Transportation &Communications
        VIII、Education & Culture
        X、Environmental Protection
        XI、Social Affairs
        XII、Labor Administration
        XIII、Social Peace & Order
        X IV、Family Income & Expenditure
        X V、Others

  4-1 耕地面積   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-1 Cultivated Land Area
  4-2 農戶人口數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-2 Farm Families
  4-3 農產品收穫面積及生產量   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-3 Harvested Area and Production of Farm Products
  4-4 造林面積及數量   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-4 Area and Quantity of Forestation
  4-5 漁業從業人員   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-5 Fisheries Workers
  4-6 漁戶數及漁戶人口數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-6 Fishermen Household and Population
  4-7 現有動力漁船數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-7 Number of Current Fishing Vessels
  4-8 漁業生產量值   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-8 Fishery Production
  4-9 水產養殖面積   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-9 Aquacultural Area
  4-10遭難漁船數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-10 Number of Vessels in Distress
  4-11遭難漁民數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-11 Number of Shipwrecked Fishermen
  4-12 現有家畜數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-12 Number of Current Livestock
  4-13 家畜屠宰頭數   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-13 Number of Livestock Slaughtered
  4-14 現有家禽數量   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-14 Number of Current Poultry
  4-15 水土保持處理面積   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-15 The Treated Area of Soil and Water Conservation
  4-16 農路改善及維護工程   肆、農林漁牧  
  4-16 Farm Roads Improvement and Maintenance Works