::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Statistical Yearbook Of Penghu County 2021
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III、Political Organization
        V、Industry / Commerce & City/Village Reconstruction
        VI、Banking & Finance
        VII、Transportation &Communications
        VIII、Education & Culture
        X、Environmental Protection
        XI、Social Affairs
        XII、Labor Administration
        XIII、Social Peace & Order
        X IV、Family Income & Expenditure
        X V、Others

  8-1 境內高等教育概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-1 Summary of Higher Education in the County(City)
  8-2 境內高級中等學校概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-2 Summary of Senior High & Vocational Schools in the County(City)
  8-3 境內國民中學概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-3 Summary of Junior High Schools in the County(City)
  8-4 境內國民小學概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-4 Summary of Primary Schools in the County(City)
  8-5 境內幼兒園概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-5 Summary of Preschool in the County(City)
  8-6 境內各級補校概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-6 Summary of Supplementary Schools at All Levels in the County(City)
  8-7 短期補習班概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-7 Summary of Short-Term Busiban
  8-8 國中小學中途輟學學生概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-8 Summary of Elementary and Junior High School Dropouts
  8-9 國民中學學生祼視視力檢查   捌、教育文化  
  8-9 Junior High School Students' Eyesight Tests
  8-10 國民小學學生裸視視力檢查   捌、教育文化  
  8-10 Primary School Students' Eyesight Tests
  8-11 公立公共圖書館概況   捌、教育文化  
  8-11 Public Library Statistics
  8-12 各項藝文展演活動   捌、教育文化  
  8-12 Activities of Performances and Shows of Various Arts Literatures