::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Statistical Yearbook Of Penghu County 2021
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III、Political Organization
        V、Industry / Commerce & City/Village Reconstruction
        VI、Banking & Finance
        VII、Transportation &Communications
        VIII、Education & Culture
        X、Environmental Protection
        XI、Social Affairs
        XII、Labor Administration
        XIII、Social Peace & Order
        X IV、Family Income & Expenditure
        X V、Others

  9-1 醫療機構及其他醫事機構醫事人員數   玖、衛生  
  9-1 Number of Registered Medical Personnel in Hospitals, Clinics,and Other Medical Care Institutions
  9-2 醫療院所數及各類病床數、救護車輛數   玖、衛生  
  9-2 Number of Hospitals and Clinics, Various Beds, and Ambulances
  9-3 預防接種工作   玖、衛生  
  9-3 Immunization
  9-4 法定傳染病病例人數   玖、衛生  
  9-4 Number of Cases of Notifiable Infectious Diseases
  9-5 藥商家數   玖、衛生  
  9-5 Number of Pharmaceutical Firms
  9-6 主要死亡原因   玖、衛生  
  9-6 Leading Causes of Death
  9-7 營業衛生管理稽核概況-按稽查家次分   玖、衛生  
  9-7 Sanitary Inspection of Specific Business Establishments by Times of Inspection